Digital Gamer and We R Gamers are two popular Indian Free Fire MAX content creators.
Digital Gamer’s Free Fire MAX ID is 1884889634, and they are currently at level 64.
We R Gamers’ Free Fire MAX ID is 113382678, and they are currently at level 83.
Digital Gamer has played 2,258 squad matches, winning 217, with a K/D ratio of 1.76.
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We R Gamers have played 21,519 squad matches, winning 6,993, with a K/D ratio of 5.23.
Digital Gamer has played 718 duo matches, winning 43, with a K/D ratio of 1.39.
We R Gamers have played 2,498 duo matches, winning 450, with a K/D ratio of 3.04.
We R Gamers have a better K/D ratio and overall performance in all game modes.